Patrixxx becomes mortal

Something was wrong in the trollpasta universe and everyone knew it but denied and lied to themselves but there was no denying it for very long something was happening something horrible to the god of this world Evil Patrixxx his powers had begun to ebb away it first started with his ability to fly going from being able to simply levitate to just merely floating inches from the ground then his ability to turn people into blood it went from bigass puddles of blood to just turning their skin blood red to nothing at all patrixxx couldnt deny it forever he knew he was going to lose his powers and die soon he needed to find a new being to take his throne before he perished otherwise the trollpasta universe would fall apart at the seams he searched far and wide examining every admin and moderator for worthyness but it was all for naught none were worthy to take his mantle patrixxx was confused and scared he hadnt a clue what to do and there wasnt much time left for him then he realised he forgot that daylight saving time was over and that he needed to set his clock forward an hour and it turns out he was out of time and died on the spot...and with that the universe collapsed and trollpasta was no more. THE REAL WORLD IS NEXT!